
Sunday, June 10, 2018

Installing Vault for Stramsets

Download the Vault zip file from the Hashicorp Vault website:

Create vault user.
$ sudo useradd -r -g daemon -d /opt/vault -m -s /sbin/nologin -c "Vault user" vault
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/vault/bin
$ cd /opt/vault/bin
$ sudo unzip /tmp/
$ sudo ln -s vault /usr/local/bin/vault
$ sudo chown -R vault:root /opt/vault
$ sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/vault
$ sudo mkdir /opt/vault/conf

Change to vault user
$ sudo su - vault -s /bin/bash

$ cd /opt/vault/conf
Create configuration file vault-conf.hcl
ui = true

listener "tcp" {
  address = ""
  tls_disable = 1

storage "s3" {
    bucket = "vault"
    region = "us-east-1"


Start Vault
$ nohup vault server -config=/opt/vault/conf/vault-conf.hcl > /var/log/vault/vault-debug.log 2>&1 &
$ jobs
Verify Server is running
$ vault status
$ export VAULT_ADDR=
Intialize Vault
$ vault operator init
Copy keys to /opt/vault/keys/vault_keys.txt
This will output five Unseal Keys, which need to be used to unseal the Vault. The initialization defaults to minimum of three tokens to allow unseal. There will also be Initial Root Token in the output. It should only be used for initial configuration, while recurring operations should be done by policy-constrained tokens.
Unseal Vault with three different keys.
$ vault operator unseal

Authenticate with Vault as Initial Root Token to perform any operations on an unsealed Vault.
$ vault login

Enable Audit Logging
$ vault audit enable file file_path=/var/log/vault/vault-audit.log

List enabled auth methods
$ vault auth list
Path      Type     Description
----      ----     -----------
token/    token    token based credentials

Integrate Active Directory

Enable LDAP auth method.
$ vault auth enable ldap
Success! Enabled ldap auth method at: ldap/

$ vault write auth/ldap/config \
    binddn="cn=Lkup_user,ou=Standard,ou=Service Accounts,ou=Accounts,ou=abc,ou=External,ou=xyz,dc=example,dc=com" \
    bindpass='passwd' \
    deny_null_bind=true \
    discoverdn=false \
    groupattr="cn" \
    groupdn="OU=Standard,OU=Groups,OU=Prod,OU=abc,OU=External,OU=xyz,DC=example,DC=com" \
    groupfilter="(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={{.UserDN}}))" \
    insecure_tls=true \
    starttls=false \
    url="ldap://" \
    userattr="samaccountname" \

# cat admin-policy.hcl
# List existing auth methods
path "sys/auth"
  capabilities = ["read"]

# Manage auth methods broadly across Vault
path "sys/auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# List existing policies
path "sys/policy"
  capabilities = ["read"]

path "sys/policies"
  capabilities = ["read"]

# Create and manage ACL policies broadly across Vault
path "sys/policy/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

path "sys/policies/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# List existing KV secrets v2
path "secret"
  capabilities = ["read"]

# Create and manage KV secrets engine v2 broadly across Vault.
path "secret/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# List existing databases
path "database"
  capabilities = ["read"]

# Create and manage databases broadly across Vault.
path "database/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# List existing identities
path "identity"
  capabilities = ["read"]

# Create and manage identities broadly across Vault.
path "identity/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# Read health checks
path "sys/health"
  capabilities = ["read", "sudo"]

# To perform capabilities of token
path "sys/capabilities"
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

path "sys/capabilities-self"
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

Create admin policy.
$ vault policy write admin admin-policy.hcl
Map LDAP group to policies. For example, map vault-admin group to admin policy.
$ vault write auth/ldap/groups/vault-admin policies=admin
          AD Group                                      Vault Path
vault-admin                                        secret/*
vault-admin-<env>-mysql        secret/<env>/MySQL/<key-name>
vault-admin-<env>-postgres    secret/<env>/PostgreSQL/<key-name>
vault-admin-<env>-oracle        secret/<env>/Oracle/<key-name>
vault-admin-<env>-hadoop      secret/<env>/Hadoop/<key-name>
vault-read-<env>-mysql          secret/<env>/MySQL/<key-name>
vault-read-<env>-postgres      secret/<env>/PostgreSQL/<key-name>
vault-read-<env>-oracle          secret/<env>/Oracle/<key-name>
vault-read-<env>-hadoop        secret/<env>/Hadoop/<key-name>

<env> - prod/impl/test/dev
<key-name> - oracle_instance or mysql_name etc

List enabled secret backends
$ vault secrets list
Path          Type         Description
----          ----         -----------
cubbyhole/    cubbyhole    per-token private secret storage
identity/     identity     identity store
secret/       kv           key/value secret storage
sys/          system       system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging

Disable KV secrets engine – version 1
$ vault secrets disable secret
Enable KV secrets engine - version 2
$ vault secrets enable -path=secret -description="key/value secret storage v2" -version=2 kv
List existing keys
$ vault kv list secret
$ vault kv put secret/prod/Oracle/<instance_name> username=<user> password=<passwd>
$ curl -s -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -x GET $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/prod/Oracle/<instance_name> | jq ',';

Configure AppRole for Streamsets

Enable AppRole auth method.
$ vault auth enable approle
Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/

$ vault auth list
Path        Type       Description
----        ----       -----------
approle/    approle    n/a
token/      token      token based credentials

Create a policy.
$ tee sdc-approle-pol.hcl <<EOF
# Login with AppRole
path "auth/approle/login" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read" ]

# Mount the AppRole auth method
path "sys/auth/approle" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "sudo" ]

# Configure the AppRole auth method
path "sys/auth/approle/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ]

# Create and manage roles
path "auth/approle/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

# Write ACL policies
path "sys/policy/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

# Write test data
path "secret/test/MySQL/app-sdc/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

$ vault policy write sdc-approle-pol sdc-approle-pol.hcl

$ vault policy list

Create a role with policy attached.
$ vault write auth/approle/role/app-sdc policies="sdc-approle-pol" secret_id_ttl=120m token_ttl="60m" token_max_ttl="120m"

Read the role.
$ vault read auth/approle/role/app-sdc
Fetch RoleID for app-sdc role.
$ vault read auth/approle/role/app-sdc/role-id
Generate a new SecretID for app-sdc role.
$ vault write -f auth/approle/role/app-sdc/secret-id

$ vault read auth/approle/role/app-sdc/role-id
Key                 Value
---                   -----
role_id        36015ef7-875a-3765-4e74-e6b1ccdc5d3b
$ vault write -f auth/approle/role/app-sdc/secret-id
Key                   Value
---                   -----
secret_id             84d34edc-cb7f-0eb8-dc59-f91c47e9e9fe
secret_id_accessor    a8f01a19-ec71-f70c-c564-0457e7a6213a

Authenticate with Role ID and Secret ID­­­­ to receive AppRole token.
$ vault write auth/approle/login role_id="<role-id>" secret_id="<secret-id>"

Once the authentication successful, Vault will provide a token to the application that can be used to request secrets.
Streamsets can authenticate with Vault using the Role ID in properties, and Secret ID provided by a file.
Update in /etc/sdc/
Create /etc/sdc/vault-secret-id file with <secret-id>

Using admin user’s token, write a Secret to the path secret/test/MySQL/app-sdc
$ vault kv put secret/test/MySQL/app-sdc sdc_mysql_user=<user> sdc_mysql_pass=<passwd>
Read secrets using the AppRole token.
$ VAULT_TOKEN=<AppRole_token> vault kv get secret/test/MySQL/app-sdc
Alternativtely, you can first authenticate with vault using the client_token.
$ vault login <AppRole_token>
$ vault kv get secret/test/MySQL/app-sdc

Launch Vault UI : http://vault_host:8200/ui

Use the following notation for credentials in streamsets pipeline to access the secrets in Vault.

MySQL Dynamic Credentials with Vault

Enable the database secrets engine
$ vault secrets enable -description="database dynamic secret storage"  database
Configure Vault with MySQL plugin and connection information by passing role as read from any of the tables or update specific table and to be able to read from any of the tables etc. A role is a logical name that maps to a policy used to generate credentials.
$  vault write database/config/<mysql-name> \
    plugin_name=mysql-database-plugin \
    allowed_roles=<my-role> \
    connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(" \
    username="root" password="mysql"
Configure allowed role to create dynamic credential. The values within the {{value}} will be filled in by vault.
$ vault write database/roles/<my-role> \
    db_name=<mysql-name> \
    creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" \
    default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="24h"

Create a policy. The client app needs to be able to read from the <my-role> role endpoint.
$ tee <my-role>-db-read.hcl <<EOF
path "database/creds/<my-role>" {
   capabilities = ["read"]
$ vault policy write <my-role>-db-read <my-role>-db-read.hcl

Create a new token with <my-role>-db-read policy
$ vault token create -policy="<my-role>-db-read" -wrap-ttl=20m

Generate a new set of credentials. They do not exist until they are accessed.
$ vault read database/creds/<my-role&gt;

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