$ sudo rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm
Enable ol7_optional_latest Repository for python-jinja2 package.
$ sudo yum install ansible
Edit /etc/ansible/hosts and put remote systems in it.
Ping all the nodes
$ ansible all -m ping
Run a live command on all of the nodes
$ ansible all -a "echo hello"
Playbook for Pre-requisites on all nodes :
$ cat roles/common/tasks/main.yml
- hosts: all
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
- name: sudo access to Hadoop Admins
- name: hostname must be fully qualified domain name
ansible edge -a hostname
- name: DNS lookup should resolve to correct IP Address
command: nslookup {{ ansible_hostname }}
register: ns
- debug: var=ns.stdout
- name: Reverse DNS lookup should be successful
command: nslookup `host {{ ansible_hostname }} | awk '{print $4}'`
- name: Verify sticky bit permission set on /tmp filesystem on all nodes
ansible edge -a 'ls -ld /tmp'
- name: Verify /etc/hosts file entries
ansible edge -a 'cat /etc/hosts'
- name: Verify Network configuration
- name: Make sure the system is up to date
yum: name=* state=latest
- name: Ensure NTP (for time synchronization) is installed.
yum: name=ntp state=present
- name: Ensure NTP is running and enable it to run at boot.
service: name=ntpd state=started enabled=yes
- name: Install libselinux-python
yum: name=libselinux-python state=present
- name: Disable SELINUX
selinux: state=disabled
- name: Disable iptables
service: name=iptables state=stopped enabled=no
- name: Disable transparent huge pages on data nodes
lineinfile: dest=/etc/rc.d/rc.local regexp='^.*transparent_hugepage.*$' line='echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag'
- name: Execution permission
file: path=/etc/rc.d/rc.local mode=u+x
- name: Set swappiness to 1 on data nodes (Default is 60)
sysctl: name=vm.swappiness value=1 state=present
- name: Set overcommit_memory to 1 on data nodes (Default is 0)
sysctl: name=vm.overcommit_memory value=1 state=present
Playbook for Data nodes:
- hosts: dn
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
fstype: ext4
device: /dev/sdb
mntdir: /data1
- name: Check if partition present
shell: fdisk -l | grep {{device}} | wc -l
changed_when: False
register: partition_present
- name: fdisk/create partition/format/Reserved Block Count to 1%
shell: "echo -e 'n\np\n1\n\n\nw\n' | fdisk {{ device }} && mkfs -t {{ fstype }} {{ device }}1 && tune2fs -m 1 {{ device }}1"
when: partition_present.stdout is defined and partition_present.stdout|int == 1
- name: Create Directory for mount
file: path={{ mntdir }} state=directory
- name: Mount device
mount: name={{ mntdir }} src={{ device }}1 fstype={{ fstype }} opts="noatime,nodiratime" passno=2 state=mounted
# - name: Make sure data disks are configured with RAID10 on non-data nodes
# - name: Make sure data disks are configured as JBODs and with no RAID on data nodes
command: pvs
register: pvs
- debug: var=pvs.stdout_lines
# - name: Make sure JBOD are ext4 type and mounted on /data{1..20} mount points with noatime on data nodes
command: df -T | grep "/data"
command: cat /etc/fstab | grep /data
# - name: Make sure data disks won't fsck based on time or number of reboots on data nodes
command: tune2fs -l /dev/sdb1 | grep -i 'Maximum mount count|Check interval'
# - name: Make sure data disks Reserved block count is 4882414 or 1% (Default is 5%) on data nodes
command: tune2fs -l /dev/sdb1 | grep -i 'Reserved block count'
# - name: filesystem sizes /var/log
Playbook for JDK Install:
$ cat roles/jdk/tasks/main.yml
- hosts: all
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
java_rpm_url: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u79-b15/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm
java_archive: /tmp/jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm
- name: Download Java Development Kit
command: 'wget -q -O {{ java_archive }} --no-cookies --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http://www.oracle.com/; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" {{ java_rpm_url }} creates={{ java_archive }}'
- name: Install JDK on all Servers
yum: name={{ java_archive }} state=present
Playbook for MySQL Server and JDBC Driver:
$ cat roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml
- hosts: edge1
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
root_pw: rootpw
jdbc_url: http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.35.tar.gz
jdbc_archive: /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.35.tar.gz
jdbc_driver: mysql-connector-java-5.1.35/mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar
mysql_jdbc_driver: /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar
link_jdbc_driver: /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar
- name: Install MySQL repo
yum: name=http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm state=present
- name: Install MySQL
yum: name={{ item }} enablerepo=mysql56-community state=present
- MySQL-python
- mysql-community-server
- name: Start mysqld
service: name=mysqld state=started enabled=yes
- name: Set root password
mysql_user: login_user=root login_password="" name=root host={{ item }} password={{ root_pw }}
- ::1
- localhost
- name: Remove anonymous users
mysql_user: login_user=root login_password={{ root_pw }} name="" host={{ item }} state=absent
- localhost
- "{{ ansible_nodename }}"
- "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
- name: Disallow root login remotely
mysql_user: login_user=root login_password={{ root_pw }} name=root host={{ ansible_nodename }} state=absent
- name: Remove test database and access to it
mysql_db: login_user=root login_password={{ root_pw }} name=test state=absent
- name: Create database
mysql_db: login_user=root login_password={{ root_pw }} name={{ item }} encoding='utf8'
- amon
- smon
- rman
- hmon
- nav
- hive
- hue
- oozie
- name: Create users
mysql_user: login_user=root login_password={{ root_pw }} name={{ item.name }} password={{ item.password }} priv={{item.priv }} state=present
- { name: 'amon', password: 'amonpw', priv: 'amon.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'smon', password: 'smonpw', priv: 'smon.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'rman', password: 'rmanpw', priv: 'rman.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'hmon', password: 'hmonpw', priv: 'hmon.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'hive', password: 'hivepw', priv: 'hive.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'hue', password: 'huepw', priv: 'hue.*:ALL' }
- { name: 'oozie', password: 'ooziepw', priv: 'oozie.*:ALL' }
- name: Download JDBC Driver for MySQL on Edge Servers
command: 'wget -q -O {{ jdbc_archive }} {{ jdbc_url }} creates={{ jdbc_archive }}'
- name: Extract JDBC Driver
command: 'tar -zxf {{ jdbc_archive }} -C /tmp {{ jdbc_driver }} creates={{ jdbc_driver }}'
- name: Create /usr/share/java folder
file: path=/usr/share/java state=directory
- name: Copy to /usr/share/java
copy: src=/tmp/{{ jdbc_driver }} dest=/usr/share/java
- name: Create symbolic link
file: src={{ mysql_jdbc_driver }} dest={{ link_jdbc_driver }} state=link
MySQL root password:
- name: MySQL root password
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
hosts: cm
- name: Create mysql root pass
command: /usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 16
register: mysql_root_passwd
- debug: var=mysql_root_passwd
Playbook for Cloudera Repos :
- hosts: all
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
- http://archive-primary.cloudera.com/cm5/redhat/6/x86_64/cm/cloudera-manager.repo
- http://archive-primary.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/cloudera-cdh5.repo
- http://archive-primary.cloudera.com/impala/redhat/6/x86_64/impala/cloudera-impala.repo
- name: Install Cloudera repos
get_url: url={{ item }} dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/ mode=0644
with_items: cloudera_repos
Playbook for Cloudera Manger:
- hosts: edge1
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
mysql_root_pw: rootpw
scm_pw: scmpw
- name: Install Cloudera Manager Server
yum: name=cloudera-manager-server state=latest
- name: Prepare scm database
command: '/usr/share/cmf/schema/scm_prepare_database.sh -h localhost -u root -p{{mysql_root_pw }} --scm-host localhost mysql scm scm {{ scm_pw }}'
- name: Start Cloudera Manager Server
service: name=cloudera-scm-server state=started enabled=yes
# Login Cloudera Manager Admin Console at http://edge1.example.com:7180/
# The default credentials are Username: admin Password: admin
Host variables:
- name: test playbook
user: vagrant
sudo: yes
hosts: cm
# - name: My message
# debug: msg="{{ ansible_nodename }}"
# - debug: var=result
- name: Display hostname
debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]